"I will Not Apologize For being Me!"What if everyday I that I awaken, to find that I have to apologize for doing so? What if I picked up my pen, and had to apologize for waking up, and picking up my pen? What if I wrote how I felt in just a few words, and found that I must apologize for writing what I am thinking, and why I woke up, and penned what I don't feel like apologizing for penning? Can I do this? May I do this? May I have to not apologize for the very asinine way the world thinks now? Where are my choices? Should I now put away what is, and has been my normal way of living? Why are my thoughts being penalized because another is affected by what they "cannot" begin to understand in the workings of my mind? A mind that minds what I receive, and guards what I perceive as "opinionated refuse!"
What if I just pen what I have awakened to, the realness of what causes unrest, be upfront about it, and walked away? Do I have that privilege? Am I not human, and do I not have a mind? I cannot apologize for selfish quotes of others. I cannot apologize for living standards of others. I cannot apologize for what the seventy elders do behind closed doors, that is already a stain of vast sin. I won't apologize for seeing a bird as a bird, and a fish a fish. Cause in the realness of it all, they are what they are. They are animals meant to be animals! I am human; I am woman; I have color, and I am who I am. What I pen is the real of what I see. And melartistrycircle.blogspot.comI will not apologize for being Me!
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