Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Hello all,this is the link to my newsletter called MeliCreasDesigns Newsletter! 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Back in the saddle again,and writing what I truly see the world,and its inhabitants really are. It's 2016 and much has happened in the last 2 or 3 years. I have become a whole other person since discovering true meanings of why I want "Something More!" That's a book by Sarah  Ban Breathnach. Pick it up, and start discovery on your life.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

                  2 Timothy 1:7New King James Version (NKJV)7" For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

             Everyday there is a commotion of realness, and the down play of truth. People in
             high  places taking on roles meant to be for the grown, and knowledgeable. The trails they
             leave behind has caused a rush of fear in many who are already bereft, and abased.
             "What are these grand gestures about? Why make the weak any weaker, and the wise a little
              How far has this to go before fear of the uncertainties cause a anxiety attack on the masses to
              where someone of substantial standing is hurt? The weak, and the poor will always be with
              with us. And so will their fear of the unknown.
            To every storm there is a calm, and to every worry there is a balm. Lift every voice and sing
            Till earth and Heaven ring Ring with the harmonies of Liberty; Let our rejoicing rise, High as
            The list'ning skies, let it resound loud as the Rolling sea Sing a song full of faith that the
            Dark past has taught us, Sing a song full of The hope that the present has brought Us;
            Facing the rising sun of our new day Begun, Let us march on till victory is Won....
                                            F.ace E.verything A.nd R.ise!!!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Today I lost,..

Today I Lost...
   Today I lost something when I heard the news of a friend's passing. I do not know how it happened, or why it happened. What I do know is how hard it is to let go of what was a special person to me. To be missed is an understatement. My heart is so sorry for where things have gone. And for whatever else that may have caused a rift, Lord knows I am sorrow ridden. Good night Madam Moiselle Wall!

Monday, November 23, 2015

"I will Not Apologize For being Me!"
           What if everyday I that I awaken, to find that  I have to apologize for doing so? What if I picked up my pen, and had to apologize for waking up, and picking up my pen? What if I wrote how I felt in just a few words, and found that I must apologize for writing what I am thinking, and why I woke up, and penned what I don't feel like apologizing for penning? Can I do this? May I do this? May I have to not apologize for the very asinine way the world thinks now? Where are my choices? Should I now put away what is, and has been my normal way of living? Why are my thoughts being penalized because another is affected by what they "cannot" begin to understand in the workings of my mind? A mind that minds what I receive, and guards what I perceive as "opinionated refuse!"
           What if I just pen what I have awakened to, the realness of what causes unrest, be upfront about it, and walked away? Do I have that privilege? Am I not human, and do I not have a mind? I cannot apologize for selfish quotes of others. I cannot apologize for living standards of others. I cannot apologize for what the seventy elders do behind closed doors, that is already a stain of vast sin. I won't apologize for seeing a bird as a bird, and a fish a fish. Cause in the realness of it all, they are what they are. They are animals meant to be animals! I am human; I am woman; I have color, and I am who I am. What I pen is the real of what I see. And melartistrycircle.blogspot.comI will not apologize for being Me!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Examining What I Tolerate

"The ability to accept life's inevitable twists and turns,losses, defeat,and surprises plays a profound role in how we are and how we thrive." ~ Airianna Huffington~

  ----From this I am learning to examine what I tolerate. Meaning that anything that is out of sync with what I think,feel,or believe will take my focus off of what I am aiming for, is merely distractions amassed during the course of my life.So I don't need to hold on to anything that's irrelevant to that which pertains to the walk I have with my creator. Reason for this necessary unlearning is to get my mind cleared of secularism. I don't plan to do any redirecting of the positive circumstances hat has occurred,but as far as the unexpected twists,and turns, I will learn to build through those storms that may have otherwise taken away every hope I have in being restored.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Daily Ritual!

Being an artist has nothing to do with survival,but everything to do with being stubborn and driven!