Saturday, May 24, 2014

Examining What I Tolerate

"The ability to accept life's inevitable twists and turns,losses, defeat,and surprises plays a profound role in how we are and how we thrive." ~ Airianna Huffington~

  ----From this I am learning to examine what I tolerate. Meaning that anything that is out of sync with what I think,feel,or believe will take my focus off of what I am aiming for, is merely distractions amassed during the course of my life.So I don't need to hold on to anything that's irrelevant to that which pertains to the walk I have with my creator. Reason for this necessary unlearning is to get my mind cleared of secularism. I don't plan to do any redirecting of the positive circumstances hat has occurred,but as far as the unexpected twists,and turns, I will learn to build through those storms that may have otherwise taken away every hope I have in being restored.